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WTS: Non-working CTW MX2 CQB

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1WTS: Non-working CTW MX2 CQB Empty WTS: Non-working CTW MX2 CQB Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:59 pm



hi everybody
I want to sell my non-working CTW MX2 CQB.
The look of the CTW is the 5 - .. 4 +
I bought it on autumn 2011, played around 10-15 games (I don't play in winter for safety reason) and it brokes.
The failure is that the motor shaft/pinion cuts off motor gear tooth. I've machined from tool steel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_steel) new custom motor gear but as a seller, I can not give a 100% guarantee that it will serve without incident.

I think that the main reason is that the gearbox metal is very soft.
In the working process bearing seat was increased. This led to a backlash of a gear shaft/axis. This is lead to a backlash/playing of a motor gear in the horizontal plane.
I think that if you can replace the CTW gearbox to the PTW gearbox (~ $ 30) then the problem will be solved.

here is info about my CTW:

positive qualities:
+ the main diseases of a CTW's - nozzle B was machined from a tool steel, replaced and put it on threadlock. Wall thickness of the nozzle B was increased due to the smaller inner diameter of the nozzle.
+ motor gear machined from very solid steel. (made with safety factor)
+ soldered lameles of a motor (I think that Tackleberry make this procedure and calls it "motor rewinding")
+ I've modify base magazine in such way when 100+ BBs don't break magazine
+ piston modified in such way - https://celcius-ctw.forumotion.com/t168-diy-piston-head-strengthening-mod
+ LiPo mod made with 16AWG wires. So you can use lipo batteries in the buttstock tube Smile
+ Real Steel Magpul CTR Stock
+ Magpul PTS ASAP

negative qualities:
- there is a VERY small gap of a upper receiver.
- has minor scratches on the cylinder

Set consists of: 1 x CTW, 1 x magazine, factory box, CD-disc

The price for whole set is: USD$690.00

I can shipp worldwide.

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