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Varying FPS question ?

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1Varying FPS question ? Empty Varying FPS question ? Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:36 pm



Hi Guys new to the forum
I have recently just built the MX3 Pro Kit, really enjoying the build and understanding of all aspects of the rifle
Learnt a lot, improved it a little as well BUT there is one thing I cannot resolve could someone please give mr the answer to this conundrum.

When the mag is almost full ie 90-100 rounds on a 120 mag the first 20 -30 shots come out at 250 - 300 fps when the magazine empties
the fps is bang up there at 460- 490 fps

I run a 11.1 lipo - m150 spring NDD Hop Unit

I have tried Celcius mags , G&D, Systema , Pmag and Vanaras all give the identical result
The G&D seem best for reliability and feeding issues but still low fps present when the mag spring is under greater compression with a full load .

is there a fix or a mod / tweak that can eliminate this issue
Even tried a FCC Cylinder assembly with no difference.

Would be great resolve if you have experienced / solved the problem

Many Thanks in advance

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