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CTW Problem/Question

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1CTW Problem/Question Empty CTW Problem/Question Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:48 am



Hey guys i just got a ctw a few weeks ago and have had a problem with it i just wanted to know if the gun should fire when i havent pressed the bolt release yet and it dry fires, i know 2 people who have them and they havent had this problem only i have. any help is appreciated, and has anyone changed the tamyia connectors, i have had a problem with the connection a few times

2CTW Problem/Question Empty Re: CTW Problem/Question Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:39 am



whell some times the bolt release is still pressing the senzor when the mag is not in if the mag is inserted and is empty...this should not fire

3CTW Problem/Question Empty Re: CTW Problem/Question Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:16 am



check to see if the spring tension on your bolt release is as "stiff" as those of your buddies' CTW that are working correctly. If not, press the roll pin out that holds the bolt release and stretch the spring A LITTLE.

I've changed the crap Tamiya connectors out with Deans without any issues.

4CTW Problem/Question Empty Re: CTW Problem/Question Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:01 pm



yea it pushes on it constantly when the mag is empty it stops firing but when i put a mag in doesnt matter if it is my celcius mag or systema mags i dont have to push the bolt release at all.

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