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CTW MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 Motor ?

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1CTW MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 Motor ? Empty CTW MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 Motor ? Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:28 am



hello i look to buy a new CTW and in the description the MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 motor are different ( MX-3 = CELCIUS 495 Typhoon II Motor / TA2 = CELCIUS 495 ) but i read in some post the only diffrence betwen MX and TA are external part ( upper/lower/flash hider .... )

Can you confirm isn't the same motor and give to me difference betwen this 2 motor ?

Thanks a lot, a futur CTW player Smile

2CTW MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 Motor ? Empty Re: CTW MX-3 / TEAM ALPHA 2 Motor ? Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:49 pm



The motors in the 2 are the same, typhoon 2, 495 motors.

If you use the forum http://tw-owners.co.uk, STTS are on hand to answer any questions you have.



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