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WTB: Need a JG Motor

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1WTB: Need a JG Motor Empty WTB: Need a JG Motor Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:18 pm



Title says it all. My motor died... After about 5000 rds... Crap. So I need a JG motor. I would really like a new one. Let me know if you have one and want to sell. Thanks.
Please Email me:

2WTB: Need a JG Motor Empty Re: WTB: Need a JG Motor Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:27 pm



can you please tell us how it happened?
what cilinder did you used?
what bbs?
what do you think is the reason?

thanks in advance!

3WTB: Need a JG Motor Empty Re: WTB: Need a JG Motor Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:16 am



gycu wrote:can you please tell us how it happened?
what cilinder did you used?
what bbs?
what do you think is the reason?

thanks in advance!

As to my burnt out CTW motor? It burnt out after around 5000 rounds. The same failure that typically happens in PTW and CTW motors. There was a dead spot in the commutator. If it has happened to you and your troubleshooting, take the grip off and spin the internal of the motor. It should be able to fire a few shots and then stop again. Showing a dead spot in the motor. I had a buddy of mine w ho repairs PTW motors try to fix it, but it was too dead to be fixed. So i baught a new CTW motor, and still will purchase a JG motor is willing to sell.
As far as cylinder. I used the stock cylinder (MX2).
BBs- KSC perfect .25

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