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1FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 8:01 am



Good morning

found a brand new motor from FCC , can i use it on my CTW ?


2FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 8:21 am



I know the motor will fit not sure if you have to swap the pinion gear over tho

3FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 10:08 am



Got one in my MX2, the FCC pinion gear will work but doesn't engage with the CTW gears very well so it will sound really screechy.

I've swapped to a Systema pinion gear (CTW one will work as well, but I'm keeping mine on the Celcius motor as a spare motor) and it's been running great so far.

4FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 11:42 am



so if i change the pinion from my old motor to the FCC will be ok ?can i do this by myself ?

5FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 11:59 am



Yes, you'll need a pinion gear tool (http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guarder-motor-pinion-gear-mount-tool) to remove and reinstall the pinion gear, but essentially you cand o it yourself.

When I swapped the FCC pinion gear for a Systema one, I found I had to play around with the exact positioning of the pinion gear on the motor. Since the motor is not height adjustable, I had to adjust the depth of the pinion gear on the motor to get it to sit at the correct position. Very much like adjusting the motor height in standard AEGs

Be prepared to spend some time on this, but once you've done this and glued the pinion gear's grub screw in with a threadlock, you shouldn't have to do this again.

Oh and your CTW will thank you for it with smooth sound and less battery drain Smile.

6FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Mon May 21, 2012 12:26 pm



siwa wrote:Yes, you'll need a pinion gear tool (http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guarder-motor-pinion-gear-mount-tool) to remove and reinstall the pinion gear, but essentially you cand o it yourself.

When I swapped the FCC pinion gear for a Systema one, I found I had to play around with the exact positioning of the pinion gear on the motor. Since the motor is not height adjustable, I had to adjust the depth of the pinion gear on the motor to get it to sit at the correct position. Very much like adjusting the motor height in standard AEGs

Be prepared to spend some time on this, but once you've done this and glued the pinion gear's grub screw in with a threadlock, you shouldn't have to do this again.

Oh and your CTW will thank you for it with smooth sound and less battery drain Smile.

thanks my friend



7FCC MOTOR FOR CTW  Empty Re: FCC MOTOR FOR CTW Tue May 22, 2012 6:08 pm



My review
I am going to used in my CTW and is perfect, 0 problems

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