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Revised my title....issue addressed

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1Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Revised my title....issue addressed Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:54 pm



I heard that Celcius will no longer be supplying Hotspot airsoft with guns. I don't want to go into details....but that's the word on the street.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I wanted to mention this because I know they have a lot of peoples money who are "waiting for guns".

Last edited by NJ_Shooter on Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total

2Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:32 pm



I just talked to claudio (the owner of hotspot) and he and I were talking about my celcius and he was saying about tracking numbers and how his company let's celcius know of weapon problems and what to fix so from what I got from him I'd say its a rumor

3Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:47 pm



blindmank13 wrote:I just talked to claudio (the owner of hotspot) and he and I were talking about my celcius and he was saying about tracking numbers and how his company let's celcius know of weapon problems and what to fix so from what I got from him I'd say its a rumor

OK....Lets see how it pans out. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

Hopefully someone else will weigh in, because I was told Celcius penned an exclusive deal with another east coast supplier.

4Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:49 pm



NJ_Shooter wrote:I heard that Celcius will no longer be supplying Hotspot airsoft with guns. I don't want to go into details....but that's the word on the street.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I wanted to mention this because I know they have a lot of peoples money who are "waiting for guns".

Can you please confirm where you got this information from because this is totally not accurate. I work at HSA and work with Celcius on a Daily basis when i'm at HSA. We have guns that have been shipped to us which we have a tracking number. The first batch of orders will go on the same day they arrive.



5Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:51 pm



BLITZ wrote:
NJ_Shooter wrote:I heard that Celcius will no longer be supplying Hotspot airsoft with guns. I don't want to go into details....but that's the word on the street.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I wanted to mention this because I know they have a lot of peoples money who are "waiting for guns".

Can you please confirm where you got this information from because this is totally not accurate. I work at HSA and work with Celcius on a Daily basis when i'm at HSA. We have guns that have been shipped to us which we have a tracking number. The first batch of orders will go on the same day they arrive.


No I don't want to say any names, but I'm sure you guys can figure that out who said it by the information I already gave. My information came after your guns in transit were shipped. So if you get more shipped to you this week, my information may be bad or Celcius may just be fulfilling your pending orders. If no guns are sent out this week....there may be some validity to what I was told. Hopefully they fill your pending orders either way.

Keep us updated Bruno.

I wish Hotspot the best! And I hope my information is wrong.

6Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:49 pm



If this were true. As a buisness man myself so saying from my knowledge. Celcius would have contacted them and cut there authorization for being the techs for there guns in the us imediately and then told them to not place any more orders and that they would send the remaining orders to them. So if this were true you'd see a lot more have happened at this point. When I talked to claudio there was no tone in his voice that showed me otherwise that he lost celcius ceritfication.

7Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:08 pm



NJ_Shooter wrote:
BLITZ wrote:
NJ_Shooter wrote:I heard that Celcius will no longer be supplying Hotspot airsoft with guns. I don't want to go into details....but that's the word on the street.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I wanted to mention this because I know they have a lot of peoples money who are "waiting for guns".

Can you please confirm where you got this information from because this is totally not accurate. I work at HSA and work with Celcius on a Daily basis when i'm at HSA. We have guns that have been shipped to us which we have a tracking number. The first batch of orders will go on the same day they arrive.


No I don't want to say any names, but I'm sure you guys can figure that out who said it by the information I already gave. My information came after your guns in transit were shipped. So if you get more shipped to you this week, my information may be bad or Celcius may just be fulfilling your pending orders. If no guns are sent out this week....there may be some validity to what I was told. Hopefully they fill your pending orders either way.

Keep us updated Bruno.

I wish Hotspot the best! And I hope my information is wrong.

Hey Guys, thank you all for informing us about the "Rumor" that this "Retailer" is spreading around, and yes you don't have to tell as I know who he is, and if this is even close to be true,...boy they have No Idea on what they are getting into.
Anyway, I created an account just to clarify some points here, not to sell anything. I was informed about this "Rumor" and I have already taken all necessary actions and soon we will get to the bottom of this.

But beside that I want to make sure that all of you understand few thinks;
First, HSA IS the Exclusive Authorized Celcius Service Center In USA, we are Repairing CTW and PTW coming from all over since the PTW was Created and Since the Day CTW was Released in USA, we are the only ones that know the History of the CTW and all the problems and fixes needed during these past 2 years..why?? well, yes we are the one recommending Most of them..HSA.. NO ONE ELSE....Period!!! now don't you guys think Celcius would at least "Informed" of any changes, if any, their ONLY Certified Service Center?? I would like to think so...at least.

Second, we are constantly sending orders in, approximately every 2 weeks, last just sent last Saturday..yes the got the Money!!! another order is actually scheduled to be send earlier due to the many pre-orders we are getting.

Lastly, BE ASSURED THAT ALL our customers, current and FUTURE, WILL get their CTW's.... ...PERIOD!!

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience in this particular shipment as it's been an exhausting one for all of us...and still is, as is in Customs hands now. I hired a Customs broker to see if we can speed up the process, I also called them directly...BIG Mistake,...the Officer (Female) was a very nasty one, ...so since I don't want to piss them off I kindly give them my regards and hang up...Lol!!

Thank you for your understanding.


8Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:16 pm



Thanks claudio. I must say. I've been at times angry with waiting for this shipment but claudio has bEen great at reassuring me and keeping me informed threw this whole process with all ordered. As I've said on here before I would recommend anyone planning to order a ctw in the us to order from them. You know your getting a new product and the latest version. Not like airspat where you get crap from a long time ago ( I know from personal expierience.

9Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:18 pm



Good to hear that Claudio!

10Revised my title....issue addressed Empty Re: Revised my title....issue addressed Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:45 pm



NJ_Shooter wrote:I heard that Celcius will no longer be supplying Hotspot airsoft with guns. I don't want to go into details....but that's the word on the street.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this? I wanted to mention this because I know they have a lot of peoples money who are "waiting for guns".

Hey guys,

This just came in straight from the source = Celcius Owner.

Hi Claudio,

How are you? XXXX is on Holiday Sad

That news you heard is NOT TRUE. How can rumor like that happened?

Best regards,

Now this just proves that we honor our customers with the truth. Anyone who buys a CTW from a different supplier will have to pay for repairs and parts. We are the only ones who guarantee a 30 day free repair policy not including parts and it's fixed the right way the first time. I guarantee that your ctw will end up here for any repairs.

HSA Team


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