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ctw problem

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1ctw problem Empty ctw problem Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:51 pm



hey had a question wanted some input. i my motor went and I had a new one put in after some modification because the pins wouldn't go in with the new motor had to fikle away some of the lower and motor. so now that the new motor is in the gun will occasionally fire full auto on semi. I was wondering if you think it could be from the the soddered wires to the motor not having a good connection

2ctw problem Empty Re: ctw problem Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:17 pm



IF it does auto on semi I would say it's your ECU that does not stop the motor propely.
Or the sensor hole in the sector gear that is mest up.

3ctw problem Empty Re: ctw problem Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:26 pm



well here is the whole story i was on my phone so my motor had gone and then i got a new one and put it in the gun with the help of a friend i know. We had to file some of the body and some of the motor maybe did a little to much on one side but it is in snug so no worries there. Then he soldered the wires the longer one being positive and the shorter being negative to the motor and we fired it a few times and now with the new motor it will fire a 2 or 3 round burst sometimes on semi auto. I also noticed last night the the mosfet in the buffer tube was sparking so i pulled the buffer tube off and one of the screws were lose so i changed them around so now they are snug they acted as a ground of sorts for the mosfet. I took care of that problem board and wires were not damaged. Not the burst fire in semi happens and i notice that the gear on the pull of a trigger will sometimes not end up in the correct position.

4ctw problem Empty Re: ctw problem Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:19 am



• check the eye holes in your Sector Gear ... make sure they are clean/clear.
• check the wiring harness from the MOSFET into the main body of the gun ... make sure the wires are not chafed/shorting

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