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New CTW problem...help!

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1New CTW problem...help! Empty New CTW problem...help! Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:54 pm



Alright guys, so i recently bought a CTW from a friend. The gun has a rebuilt motor by Claudio (hotspot), gen 8 ECU, stock mosfet, a systema hopup, and a standard indoor cylinder. The gun is serial number 0100827314 (i heard you can tell wut year/model it is by the number). When i shoot it on 3rd burst, the first shot has 2 bullets come out, second shot only has 1 bullet come out, 3rd has 2 bullets come out, 4th has 1 (repeat cycle). Then on semi, it would shoot 10-50 bb's (based off luck) before it stops shotting, and pulling the trigger will result in a gear/motor whirring and tahts it. I seperated the upper and lower receiver, didnt touch any gears, ecu, nothing, then reattached it, and it shot again. I stopped shooting after that. The gears line up correctly after each shot. Wuts wrong? Should i bring it back to Claudio? oh i forgot to mention, it has new years in it too.

2New CTW problem...help! Empty Re: New CTW problem...help! Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:41 pm



i figured out the problem guys, cylinder had a dent

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