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Blinking light

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1Blinking light Empty Blinking light Thu May 19, 2011 10:25 pm



Fired a few shots in semi, the a five round burst.

Loaded in a new mag.

Fire a shot in semi, single blink.... change out mags.

3 round on auto with new mag..... constant blinking.

The motor is also quite hot.

Any one else have this issue and/or know what it is?

2Blinking light Empty Re: Blinking light Thu May 19, 2011 11:03 pm



could mean a few things...

1st - Check battery - blinking light usually means low battery

2nd - Check the Sector gear holes to make sure they are cleared and make sure the optics are clear of any debris on the ECU

3rd - ECU issue...if its new...send er back for warranty repair.

as far as the motor goes...take off the grip and see if there is a bunch of carbon build up. The motors tend to get hot.

3Blinking light Empty Re: Blinking light Fri May 20, 2011 12:50 am



hey like the one above me said clean out the sector gear holes with a toothpick. Also see that the optics are clear on the ecu. I would also recommend not firing like a mad man as the grips are real pistol grips and do tend to get hotter actually quite hot.

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