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CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp

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1CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Wed May 25, 2011 7:43 pm



Well..a hybrid HopUp is nothing new. I have seen a few efforts of these. But none i really liked or could see as really funktional ones..

So..i have been thinking and done some homework. And one day sitting at my workbench looking at all the bags with parts hanging on the wall in front of me I rested my eyes on the Madbull HopUp units hanging there, took one out the bag and started puzzle the pieces together with the CTW HopUp chamber as well as a AEG bucking and barrel..

These are the parts I will need for the build..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1795509_10152225800271001_156175471_n

Here is a fast and simple sketch of the basic theory and layout of the whole design. The CTW HopUp chamber will need to be milled to be able to use the parts. But when its done it will be magic..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1509645_10152225800126001_1172969851_n

Here you can see where the modified adjustment wheel from the Madbull HopUp unit will sit, right in front of the cylinder head. This way it will be possible to adjust hop through the ejection port the same way one would be able to do it on a AEG M4..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1779853_10152225800366001_1390847068_n

Hope you guys like the idea..

Last edited by Swiffer on Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


2CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Wed May 25, 2011 7:54 pm



It looks like it would be awesome if you can get it done. Looks tough to do but if it does work than that's killer. Can't wait to see if you get it done and how it comes out and works.

3CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 am



Yes I would love to see how you pull this off. Keep it up!

4CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm



this is nothing new as tackleberry was working on a way to do this i believe he finished the hop up mod a couple of months ago

5CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu May 26, 2011 11:00 pm



papoose42 wrote:this is nothing new as tackleberry was working on a way to do this i believe he finished the hop up mod a couple of months ago

Yeah,but tackleberry doesnt SHARE with us what he is doing.. he wants paid. lol! I think it`s great that someone tries a mod and shares it with people instead of wanting to make a profit on it. Im curious about this mod and will definately check this project out. cheers

6CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Fri May 27, 2011 12:48 pm



papoose42 wrote:this is nothing new as tackleberry was working on a way to do this i believe he finished the hop up mod a couple of months ago

Think I stated this in my first post. Please take your time to read before posting..

Swiffer wrote:Well..a hybrid HopUp is nothing new..

I am sorry..but I am not following what the person you refer to as Tackleberry is doing. In fact I have never seen any proof of this aledged finnished product/prototype, how it works, pictures and documentation on how it is built or anything even close. So I cant really coment on the fact that it is simular to this design what so ever Im afraid. But I can only imagine that it would be pretty close to what I am doing as there is not to many ways of going about it that would work propperly really..

I am all about sharing the knowlage and making improvements to the CTW system that the whole airsoftcommunity can benefit from and solutions most people can do for them selves with a little effort and guidance.

This mod is fairly simple and nothing magic to do. It can be done with parts from Madbull M4 type hop and maybe also AUG type hop parts. But I dont have any AUG type hop laying around at the moment, so i cant confirm that the parts from the AUG type will be as functional as the Madbull M4 type just yet. But there is no doubt that the surrounding wheel type hop ajustment is the way to go on the CTW for shure!

Barrel needed for this project is any afordable AEG type presition barrel of better quality that can be cut and coned to 392mm length as there is a simple method of making it fit and lock into the CTW hop chamber of witch I will expain later..

Thanks for your support and stay tuned guyes!


7CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 pm



Keep it up Swiffer I support you. I'm very interested to see how this turns out.

8CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 pm



You got My support good luck with you project Smile

I My self am having problems with My hopup just ordered The "Hirobo R/C Helicopter Fuel Tubing" going to try it out, lets hope it Will make à diffrence with heavier bullets Smile

Regards,and i am looking forward to some pic
Btw Thanks for The info Boss regarding the tubing Smile

9CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm



Thanks guyes! I have done a photoshop of the hop to better show you the idea, cause my first sketch was super crappy..lol

Here you can see the hop unit with adjustment wheel..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1781979_10152225800421001_1975455910_n

And here you can see the hop unit without the adjustment wheel..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1921979_10152225803521001_767854611_n

Here you see the original CTW hop unit for reference, so you can tell the changes..

CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp 1795509_10152225800271001_156175471_n

Last edited by Swiffer on Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


10CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:41 am



Dude this is amazine. Keep Going. Did you took a standart HopUp unit and modified it? Or did you build one on your own?
Because i cant figure out, how you did that new Piece on Top, where you drilled a hole to hold that adjustmentpiece. Did you take some 2 components glue and formed it out? Glued a new piece on it?

11CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:36 pm



Okey, I will try to explain. The upper two pictures are manipulated pictures of the bottom reference picture. The pictures have been manipulated to better show you the way a final product would look when done, and for me a kind of guide to where I am heading.


12CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:02 am



something new? im curious

13CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:12 pm



Nothing new to report before the donor CTW hop chamber have been machined to my specs. I will have to get back to you guyes on the matter once there is any news..so just stay tuned..it will be magic!


14CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:48 pm



I nope you sell these at some point if they work. The current one leaves much to be desired, especially with how consistent the FPS is.

15CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:05 am



Good stuff, Keep us posted.

16CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:27 pm



Any update on this? My CTW is really not impressing me with the current hop-up. It could be soo much better.

17CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:10 pm



Sorry zander, not yet. I have had priority on a KA SIG556 DMR (450fps semi sniper) for a friend and finishing touches on my Custom Tanaka M700 (Surpressed Remington M700 LTR look) as well as a couple of my secret custom projects. So you see I have been a bit busy. But the guy who did the milling on my Tanaka will hopefully get around to do the milling on one of my CTW hopup chambers very soon! So stay tuned for a update hopefully soon..

Last edited by Swiffer on Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


18CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:31 am

Delta Cypher

Delta Cypher

Nice builds there Swiffer!

The Sig looks awesome!

...I am working with a PTW specialist over in the UK with access to a 4 axis CNC mill if you get your design finished with full plans, I'm sure we could get you some cut - providing we get to have a play with them too! Wink



19CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Empty Re: CTW / AEG (Madbull) Hybrid HopUp Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:15 pm



Thanks mate! Thats just awesome. If I get to an update of the hop I will let you know..


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