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PTW / CTW Review

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1PTW / CTW Review Empty PTW / CTW Review Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 pm



I wanted to give a review of ptw and ctw. This is of my own expiereinces so it may differ from others. This review is made with an April 2011 CTW MX-2 and a May 2011 PTW MIL/LE.

Out of the box seemed very good. Paint was alittle less black then other airsoft replicas. Metal is cheap but sturdy. With the recommended lipo rate of fire was more than stisfying. Hop is finicky but after set is good for quite a few rounds. The whole platform functions well but I feel its more of a weapon that needs more improvement. Also recently seems though celcius isn't having good quality control so its almost a hit or miss on getting a good rifle.

Out of the box very impressive. Paint was just as a real steel. Metal is very good and heavy. Rate of fire is average with the 9.6v battery but still formidable. Has an impressive sound to it. Alittle cleaner than ctw. I used gold cylinder and chroned with .25 at 388 consistanly every shot. Which was quite impressive as most airsoft guns I've shot varified slightly in fps from shot to shot. Range was extremly impressive from this cqb version. With hop up set to alittle on the plus size was well over the 100' mark. Accuracy wasn't as good as the ctw. Its a tightbore barrel but not as tight as ctw's. Sector gear realligns properly with no issues. Have not had an issue to date with this weapon and skirmished twice.

Overall opinion-
Ptw retails at almost double the ctw. But from personal use if your looking for the ptw/ctw. I would spend the money on the ptw from my expierience. The ptw surpassed my expectations where the ctw lacked in areas. I did find the ctw mags performed a bit better than systemas.
Any questions please feel free to ask. I'm not tailored to either company or anything and will give an honest opinion either route. I will give props to celcius for attempted to out due systema with their inner barrel but feel there elctronics and cylinders need a lot more improvement. I had 2 cylinders on my celcius break and have had no issues with my systema cylinders.

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