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Pulling the trigger on the purchase

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1Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Pulling the trigger on the purchase Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:32 am



Well, I know there are a lot of bantered arguments about whether you should purchase a CTW or a PTW. I've got two other team mates on my Airsoft team back in the states, one has a PTW, the other a CTW. They both claim theirs is slightly better in different ways, but I want unbiased opinions (and hopefully I get it). I've got a few questions pertaining to both weapons, and if you can answer any of them. I owe you a beer.

1) Exactly how much is compatible between the CTW and PTW? I've been reading around here that cylinders are incompatible but some websites say it depends on the model of CTW you get, however the mags will work fine in either weapon, maybe some clarification on that?

2) As far as upgrade paths go, I'm looking at building a M18 style weapon (Flat RIS/RAS outer barrel) I've seen a few guys that have pictures of their weapons with the exact setup I'm looking for, however most of them claim they needed to do milling jobs and sand down edges and the likes. Bottom line question here is which one will I be able to do more to as far as aftermarket accessories go?

3) I've read on a few forums (This one included) that some of the older CTW's have wiring problems or whatever problems quite a bit, I saw that Hot Spot Airsoft says to hold off on purchasing any CTW until the "Fixes" are made, maybe a little bit more clarification on that as well?

That's pretty much all I have, this is my first post on this forum, but I've been browsing it for a little over a year now. Unfortunately my active duty lifestyle and the fact that I'm Afghanistan doesn't allow for me to spend hours in the computer rooms searching for these answers that almost seem like face palms to you all, but I do appreciate the time anyone takes to type up answers to what I'm looking for.

Thank you,

2Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:33 am




Before we start - keep safe in Afgan mate, been there on 2 tours as well and its a bit POO at times!!!

Right, onwards - listen in :

CTW - PTW Compatible
ALL parts are compitable between the 2 as long as you have the MX-2 version (the latest model) with one exception - Systema piston heads will not fit (but the Celcius one wont break anyway as its machined metal).
I have tried Systema, Celcius and Vanaras and all work fine in my CTW MX-2. HOWEVER on a Systema after the magazine is inserted you have to push the bolt stop to operate (like a real steel M4), wheras on all the CTW's that me and my team use (approx 10 in total) you dont. BOTH the CTW and PTW stop firing after the last BB is fired from the mag.
The MX-2 version is pretty good, the only faults that I know that we have had are:
Piston nozzles may snap off - a Systema one fits with a tiny mod / there is a new one being launched in the UK at the end of the month that will fit but wont break guaranteed!! (will cost approx $15). Also had the occasional piston shatter - again the Systema one fits, or a new Celcius one is £15 so its no major drama - remember these things are mechanical and so will sometimes fail(bit like a car), but they are HALF THE PRICE OF A SYSTEMA which is a lot or repairs included for the same money!!!! Other than these 2 issues, were good here in the UK.
Gucci Kit Fit
If its made for the real steel it will bolt on straight away, no mods needed.
If its made for airsoft (as 90% of most bits of kit are), you MAY need to tinker - it will depend on the item. This applies to both PTW and CTW.

In my opinion, save the cash and get a CTW. We can get them in the UK for £650 with a 12 month warranty, wheras a Systema is £1350 with no warranty - its a bloody no brainer!!!!!!

Ask if you need any more help. cheers

3Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:54 pm



650 euro? that is a rip off. when converted to $ that is about $892. in the states we only pay $620 or 451 euros.

4Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:32 am



Wow... In Canada the CTWs run about $1050 for the gun and one mag (no battery). Still better than $2000 ish for a PTW with one mag and no battery. Luckily I got a package deal from a retailer when they first brought them in.

5Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:32 am



Thanks for all the helpful responses. I'm likely going to end up going with the Celcius CTW. Would you guys advise buying new from a website or used from a forum?

6Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:56 pm



Hii about the two problems/faults "Sunray" is writing about, they are easy to fix, the one with the nozzle breaking, you need to take out the barrel and hopup, and just use some "sandpaper (not sure if this is the right word in english) and just rub it around in the hole the nozzle enters, for 3-4 times, the problem is that the nozzle is alittle bit curved at the tip of the nozzle, but the hop up chamber is straight edged, thats where the "sandpaper" gets to work, after doing this mod i have never had any problems, used every cylinder from 300 upwards 500

and the second problem is a easy fix aswell, every cylinder i got had the piston screw very loose so just tighten it up and use some "locktight" and your ready to go

Sunray about the bolt stop, thats a easy fix to that to, just buy a silicone made fulepipe for any rc chopper/modell and cut it to small pieces and put them on the small nubb, hope you understand,

and Mosin i really recommend you to buy a CTW its a lovly gun, it just needs some love

ohh one more thing after you have bought the gun make sure to clean the barrel really well, cuz there is some kind of strange dirt/fat left from the manufacture process, i used Silicon spray mixed with alittle bit of alcohol and normal "Gun oil" to get rid of the dirt, (thought this was only a problem on my gun, but bought another barrel and had the same problem, my groupings/accurecy got about 40% better after the cleaning (Odin thanks for the Info)

only siliconoil will not help, AND DO NOT use any metall brush/cleaning tool inside the barrel only "airsoft" cleaning rodds, plastic in other words,


7Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:38 am



Hope you've 'pulled the trigger' on your purchase - I would say buy a new one as you dont know whats been 'modified' with a used one and how well its been done either.

Ref the £649 price in the UK - I cant see this as a problem as they supply it with a 12 month warranty. If I were to send it back to, for example Asia Airsoft, it would cost me over £50 in shipping.

Iskra - thanks for the advice ref the bolt stop, I know what you mean and I'll give it a try.

Stand fast and fight hard

8Pulling the trigger on the purchase Empty Re: Pulling the trigger on the purchase Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:13 pm



I have owned both a ctw mx2 and a mil/le ptw. When I got my mx2 it was missing some hop up parts which it chroned at 282 with .20. Way below. Then it failed cause motor went and ecu crapped out. Blew fuses. My ptw was great ran for awhile. Stock hop up rubber went and put an after market in and then just didn't fire all too great. The bodies of ptws are 1000 times better than ctw. The ctw gearbox is comparable to ptw. I couldn't tell you which is better. The ptw hop up is better and cylinders are better and more consistent. From my expierience. If you plan to change stuff anyways then get a ctw and when things fail replace them with ptw parts. Like if the electronics go then get a version up kit for systema. Includes motor and all electronics you just can't run lipo after that. Mags are all the same for both. Ctw mags I had the best experience with. That's just my opinbion and expiereience

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