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how do i remove a hex screw?

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1how do i remove a hex screw? Empty how do i remove a hex screw? Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:56 pm




the screw is a hex screw and 5/64 inch and is about 8mm deep

I've already tried the super glue and soldering methods but there is a coating on the screw and wrench preventing the substances from binding to the metal

I just purchased a dremel 4000 from home depot last night and I already cut a slit into the screw but it seems the slit is a bit too wide. what do I do now?

ill post an updated picture when I find my camera

update: ok i got the dam bastard out lol i just hammered the trigger.. thx for the help man! now all i need to do is sand down the inside of the metal body.

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