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New CTW owner - some questions

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1New CTW owner - some questions Empty New CTW owner - some questions Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:48 am




I’m a new owner with a second hand CTW on it’s way, I have some questions that I hope you can help me with.

Before buying a CTW I have been looking at a PTW, and I now that they require some mods, namely the Moisture Proofing, hopup mod and motor re-wind. My understanding is that these aren’t as important on the CTW, is that correct?

Secondly the gun that I have bought is a CTW MX-2 (I don’t have it yet), and they seller has told me that it’s the current version. Is there anyway I can check? And is there anything else I should look out for?

Lastly I would like to replace the ugly rear stock with a standard M4 stock, I understand that I need to change the powerboard with a mini one in order to make room for a lipo in the stock tube. Is this a drop in part and something that I could do myself?

I’m sure that I will have a few more question. I have been reading this board and it’s very helpful, I hope you can bear with me as I get myself up to speed.

2New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:54 am



Welcome to the 'Clan' young Jedi

Right lets kick off:

Waterproofing - only really needed if your going to go swimming with it!!! but you can do this yourself and avoid the huge cost. Simply spray the ECU (the electric part in front of the gearbox) and the cables that connect to it to the trigger switch and MOSFET thats in the stock with a clear laquer, You will have to remove it from the gearbox but leave all the cables connected and let dry before you re-assemble but its an easy job.

Ref. the check on which model - it should have the LED power indicator on the ECU (as shown in the picture at the top of the Forum page) and the barrel should be bright silver with little slats cut into it near the muzzle - If not then it aint!!!

Motor rewind - if it aint broke, dont fix it!! - you only need to do this when it fails and the price of a new CTW motor is cheaper than the cost of the rewind via Tackleberry or Keith anyway. When it goes wrong, buy the new G2 version from FCC in Hong Kong if you can affoird it and you'll be sweet as!!

Stock change - yes you have to change the MOSFET board in the stock, an easy job but you do have to solder the wires to the motor and disconnect the original MOSFET from the ECU and connect the new one. ONLY attempt if your confident as if you catch the control wires (the 4 thin ones that are black, white, red and yellow) it wont work and you'll have to get another.

Keep the questions coming - where here to help.



3New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:11 am



The motor will fail on you bottom line they all do it some sooner then others but eventually they all die, as far as the hop up mod and moisture proofing those are not that important imo, save you money and get the FCC G2 motor, i just ordered one myself,You can also check the serial number too find if it is truly an MX2 or not.

4New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:58 am



Thanks for the info guys, it all helps.

I think I've learnt a little more about the gun that I've bought too. Really should of asked these questions before I put my money down, but I didn't know what to ask then Smile

It looks like a Gen2, is that still a MX2?
It also looks like it has a eTiny powerboard and ECU already installed, also it has a Reformation II Barrel.

He has also already had some motor problems and has replaced the motor, I think he replaced the motor with a new Celcius motor rather than a better one.

I'll confirm all this once I get the gun, and really my only question is it is a MX2?

5New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:20 am



Gen 2 is not mx2, these are gen 3. I got one coming too happyal although i have to wait as its from romania Sad

Was yours from zeroin user infa? Cant wait for mine!

6New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:19 am



Joe90 wrote:Was yours from zeroin user infa? Cant wait for mine!

Yes it was, do you know him, or the guns story?

7New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:21 am



No mate but ive got a spare motor off him. The motor in yours is an fcc upgrade, i know that much.

8New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:40 am



That's great. He seems to of done the upgrades that I would have done, the motor, eTiny boards etc. It's looking quite good Smile

I'll update the thread when I have it, it should be Tuesday/Wednesday next week.

When do you get your's Joe?

9New CTW owner - some questions Empty Re: New CTW owner - some questions Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:06 am



When parcelforce get their arse in gear Smile

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