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RealForge Airsoft: Canadian Distributor

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1RealForge Airsoft: Canadian Distributor Empty RealForge Airsoft: Canadian Distributor Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:34 pm

RealForge Airsoft


Hello all,

My name is Ryan Smith, I am the co-owner of RealForge Airsoft the Canadian Celcius distributor.

I have been scouring these boards for a while but have never set an account up. Many of you may be aware of the airsoft scene in Canada being fairly restrictive until just recently. It is our goal to get CTW's into the hands of Canadians and offer un-paralleled service.

I'd like to say our customers have been extremely happy with the level of service they have received and we plan on continuing that trend.

Celcius has had its' hick-ups in the past but we believe and have experienced a huge turn around in the MX2 models and only can expect even better results with the MX3's.

For any Canadians on here feel free to send a message with any questions or concerns to myself at the below mentioned address. Even if your looking for some friendly advice feel free to shoot me off an email.

When we first started our venture with Celcius we intentionally purchased two (1st/2nd gen) old beat up ctw's and tore them apart/re-built them multiple times to gain an extensive knowledge of how they work (and don't work). We hope we can be of help to those who are looking for some trouble shooting in the future.

Hope to hear from you.


Ryan Smith
RealForge Airsoft
(The forum will not let us post our email or website yet so search us on google!)

As a side note: We do not sell guns outside of Canada due to current restrictions. The prices seen on our website are reflective of the current airsoft market in Canada and high business/importation costs. Oh how nice it would be to live in the United States sometimes!

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