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JD AIRSOFT AND STTS what a winning team. Thankyou

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Hi just wanted to to say a BIG thank you for all the support from James at JD airsoft and also STTS for all their help and support with some of the issues I had had in regards to my new Team Alpha 2.

I can not fault the service and the warranty that come with this gun, not only that but they really will do their up most to look after you. One thing I will say and that's if you don't want to void your warranty do not touch the gun or let anyone else do so!

I took my gun to the Mall for its first game since purchasing it off of JD airsoft and WOW it really did blow my mind, great gun and worth every penny.

Thanks again for all the help guys Smile



try Twowners buddy: http://tw-owners.co.uk

Glad its ok Smile Nothing I did I hope Very Happy


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