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Buffer tube cap

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1Buffer tube cap Empty Buffer tube cap Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:00 pm



Blew a fuse and can't get the freakin cap off to change it. Any suggestions?
Also, why does it keep blowing fuses?

Using 11.1 lipo 1200 mAh 15c battery

2Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:15 am



what model do u have? I have the MX2 and i use a 2400mah 20c and i dont blow fuses... plus how are you using your trigger? are you doing short 3-5 5-7 round burst or are you emptying full mags in 2 seconds?

3Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:28 am



It is brand new from evike. I believe it is the MX2.
Did 3 semi auto shots about 2 seconds between each shot and the fuse blew.

Tore it apart, replaced the fuse and pulled to trigger to test in semi auto with the upper removed and I could tell the gears were trying to move, but they didn't.
Removed the motor to find the gears are seized. They won't budge at all.

Gotta love these weapons

4Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:15 pm



wow... i have no clue.. maybe your ecu was bad...really really bad...

5Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:19 am



Check your wire harness. Look at the wires that pass from the buffer tube into the main body (just under the buffer tube cap) Celcius does not bevel the edges in that channel and over time (or even during shipping) a wire can chafe and short. I used some RC fuel tubing slit lengthwise to make an insulating sleeve so my wires won't get cut/shorted in there.

6Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:40 am



Can you put a picture please to se what you have done because i do not have problems whit my wires and i don't whant to have from now on.


7Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:47 am



Buffer tube cap IMG_4154

wrap those wires in tape or what I did was take a section of silicon tubing, slice the top (lengthwise) so its like a hot dog bun, wrap your wires with it and stuff it back down into the channel.

8Buffer tube cap Empty Re: Buffer tube cap Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:56 am



ok thank you

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