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Who is running a CTW w/out a single problem

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I just wanted to find out how many of you MX2 new version owners are running their CTW w/out a single hickup or a problem that you had to repair and if you did have a problem, how long did you have the gun for untill it came up.




dkorol2008 wrote:I just wanted to find out how many of you MX2 new version owners are running their CTW w/out a single hickup or a problem that you had to repair and if you did have a problem, how long did you have the gun for untill it came up.

Owned mine since february and has played in weather as cold as -7 degrees celcius with it. No issues yet,still functions superbly. Overall im so happy with it im gonna buy a CQB version as a backup. cheers



Odin wrote:
dkorol2008 wrote:I just wanted to find out how many of you MX2 new version owners are running their CTW w/out a single hickup or a problem that you had to repair and if you did have a problem, how long did you have the gun for untill it came up.

Owned mine since february and has played in weather as cold as -7 degrees celcius with it. No issues yet,still functions superbly. Overall im so happy with it im gonna buy a CQB version as a backup. cheers

Well February is not too long lol




dkorol2008 wrote:
Odin wrote:
dkorol2008 wrote:I just wanted to find out how many of you MX2 new version owners are running their CTW w/out a single hickup or a problem that you had to repair and if you did have a problem, how long did you have the gun for untill it came up.

Owned mine since february and has played in weather as cold as -7 degrees celcius with it. No issues yet,still functions superbly. Overall im so happy with it im gonna buy a CQB version as a backup. cheers

Well February is not too long lol

True,but the latest version didnt come out before december (correct me if im wrong guys) and i live in Norway,so weather condition can be alot harder on the weapon than in other countries. But so far so good,im happy with it! cheers



Hii i have to say that My CTW MX2 gen2 is running Without any problems, i Did put it Thru à big test yesterday completly Happy, best Gun ever.

I am going to post some answeres about different mags that i have tried and The results in My other threat




Ive run roughly 3k rounds through mine under scenario conditions. Only issue I have had so far is that the CTW mag chops BB's once in awhile. However, I have 10 Vanaras mags and they are WONDERFUL. Also worth noting is the last game I used my CTW at it was roughly 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit and rained the ENTIRE time. Everyones AEGs were failing/shorting out and batteries dying but my CTW ran like a champ.



Wow zander i am very afraid of The rain and My CTW. Creds for you for even using it in raining conditions I have heard that there is à mod for systemas so you can protect them from moist/rain



All you need to do is run a very thin bead of silicon rubber along the top of the bottom receiver. This will make it water tight. You can decide if you want to do the section where the blue light is. Just make sure you don't do too much to change the height that the receiver sits at. If its too much just peal it off and try again!



Search your radio-shack or local electronic parts shop for a moisture-repellant spray. Just make sure you cover the connectors, switches and photo-diodes with tape, blue-tack or even chewing-gum before spraying.

[ontopic] No issue with my 1-mo old CTW so far, and I've used it both for backyard tests and weekend games.




I got mine in January and have not been able to use it once. It keeps stripping gears.


11Who is running a CTW w/out a single problem Empty woh Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:30 pm



ultimatefighter wrote:I got mine in January and have not been able to use it once. It keeps stripping gears.

Where did you buy yours?
Is your the MX2?
Did the company who sent it to you test out that it worked? It is on warranty for a while. Why does it keep stripping your gears?




He has an xmax. Odin and I went threw this with him. He prob got it from airsplat or evike.



Nope, it's an MX2 for sure. It strips gears cuz it's a Celcius.




See that comment there proved my point. I mean cmon fighter. If one brand company sold a gun that stripped gears all the time wouldn't be a popular company or a larger amount of people purchasing. You prob thought you bought an mx2 and purchesed a new xmax. Odin and I already went threw this with you



blindmank13 wrote:See that comment there proved my point. I mean cmon fighter. If one brand company sold a gun that stripped gears all the time wouldn't be a popular company or a larger amount of people purchasing. You prob thought you bought an mx2 and purchesed a new xmax. Odin and I already went threw this with you

Or he just can`t rebuild a gearbox properly. lol! But most likely he got a xmax... Ultima,why haven`t you done what i told you to do?? Just Email Celcius and present you serial number to find out if you really have a mx2 or an xmax instead of bitching about how terrible it is.. Suspect



HAHA! All you new people to the site will quickly find that this forum is populated with people who sell CTWs. They'll tell you all about how awesome they are. And for the second time, I did check and it is an MX2. I'm begging you all, PLEASE don't buy a Celcius! You'll be sorry you did! I'd say you've got a 50/50 chance of getting a good one.




I don't sell ctws and I guess ill have to prove my point in finding that post that you basically even showed you had an xmax. And its like 2 out of 10 that may have an issue with their ctw and that's common with any airsoft weapon produced that will have an issue. If you don't like your celcius than I'm sorry and stay off this site. Your 1 out of how many other people on this site that say you hate your ctw don't buy etc when yes there are people on here who have or had issues with there's but easily fixed and now most are happy.



Agree with Blindmank13 here, i don`t sell CTW`s either.. i actually love the gun so much that im gonna buy another one. one semisniper config and one regular one. No issues with mine at all. And you say you contacted Celcius to get it confirmed.. im gonna be a sceptic here and say that i don`T belive it until you post your serial number so i can check it out for myself. lol...

But as Blind said.. say you do have a mx2 which has problems, then you are one of very few. And if it strips gears,why not use warranty to get it fixed then? or buy a whole gearbox? its not that expencive.. besides.. if you buy a gun who are rare,then stuff cost more.. its not a cheap ACM AEG you have bought you know. It`s like buying a ferrari and think you can buy cheap parts for it at your local garage. Im not trying to be an a**hole here Ultima, i just feel you are being totally blinded by the fact that you got a faulty gun and you have no idea how to fix it apparantly! :/



Ha, these are easier to fix than a regular aeg. And these are no Ferrari lol. I know you all love your guns and think that they are amazing, and that's perfectly cool- I get it. I just want people to know the risk they are taking in buying a celcius. The fact that you all have to argue the case for celcius so strongly is yet another example of how crappy these guns really are. You say I'm one of the few who has problems with the ctw yet this site is nothing but people asking why their $620 gun isn't working! lol




Im wondering why you got yourself a Celcius in the first place. Why not get a Systema (?). When I first considered to get the Celcius it was because of that it is in fact under half the price of a Systema (!). I really didnt expect a whole lot from the CTW and figured I would improve what eventually would come up of issues. That said, I have had no big problems yet during my testing after I got it. And I am very satisfied with what I got for the price (USD500). If anything does come up tho, Im prepared to fix and improve it..

My fully custom AEG is all Systema internals aswell as some trick custom stuff and is all business. It no doubt outperforms my stock CTW, but I have invested serious time and money to get it to perform that well and be rock solid reliable!

I meen...come on...the Celcius is a dirt cheap clone..what did you expect..really?




If you expect To get a PTW then you shouldn't buy a ctw. Buy a PTW then.
That said the ctw mx2 is a worthy PTW clone / copy. If you want a PTW but can not afford one and buy a ctw.
Then you have misunderstood how things come together.
You havae purchased a CTW, NOT a PTW
Don't expect the same from two different products!

And in Denmark I have still not heard anything bad about the CTW mx2 actually I have only heard good feed back.

Therefore I'm waithing for mine to arrive next week.




Everything profuct every made in the world has issues. There's nothing in the world that runs flawlessly without a single problem here and there. Would your car still run if you never did anything to it. Does every car honda sells never ever have an issue ok let's put it more this way, does every porsche come off the line and never have to go in service. I'm not defending celcius but you are so riding on making ceclicus look bad when in all reality its a pretty good gun. Were sorry you had issues with yours but your one of the few. As swiffer said you can always improve something. I've worked on all types of aeg spring and gas guns and ctw/ptws are a lot easier to fix parts. And for the record I've seen ptw strip threw a sector gear easy. I did a stress test with a friends ctw and ptw next to each other an mx2 and a max with 500 cylinders on full auto threw two mags. He has the version 2 ctw and the systema stripped out not the ctw. Systema hasn't really improved much celcius is always finding things and ways to improve there's.systemas a stronger company but its been out longer. But celcius actually ccares about improving there product and making it better. I personally don't consider it a clone.



blindmank13 wrote:But celcius actually ccares about improving there product and making it better. I personally don't consider it a clone.

I could not agree with you more.
The clone part is religion. If you are a systema/PTW guy, nothing is never good enough unless there's a systema written on the side.
For me personaly I see it as two different products, and I have choosen to buy the product that suits me the most.

And by the way systema has a lot of issues that has to be made before working properly.
Most airsofters in denmark who has a PTW sendt it to tackleberry in England to get it fixed, the hop up, motor, ECU get moist proof (necessity if it has to in vinter condisions below freezing point)

As blindmank13 says nothing work flawlessly.



Sadly, from what has been said the Ohio ATF is not allowing systema PTW's into the United States and being how the place that brings them into the is located in Ohio that makes things a little difficult. If I had the chance and choice I would have never bought my CTW I defintly would have got a PTW because i've owned my Systema M16A3 for over a year now without one single issue other then pinching the battery wires but that was my fault. If you have the choice to buy a PTW save up and get one because I don't think the CTW can even compare to it.



Koyote wrote:Sadly, from what has been said the Ohio ATF is not allowing systema PTW's into the United States and being how the place that brings them into the is located in Ohio that makes things a little difficult. If I had the chance and choice I would have never bought my CTW I defintly would have got a PTW because i've owned my Systema M16A3 for over a year now without one single issue other then pinching the battery wires but that was my fault. If you have the choice to buy a PTW save up and get one because I don't think the CTW can even compare to it.

I cannot say anything about the CTW as I have not owned one yet ( i will) but that last statement is a little harsh. Sure PTW is a pioneer in the PTW world, but so was Tokyo Marui untill competition kicked in and clones came out which eventually even released better products than TM which is already dying. KWA/ICS...they are now leading the AEG market by taking it up a notch. There is no reason a CTW cannot. Its all in Celcius's hands to create a better PTW and the company has the technology/creativity to do so. Sure its not the original, but dont tell me you would drive a Ford over any other car just because they came out first.

I would like CTW to succeed very well and I think they can do it very well given if they sell enough units. I think so far they are not selling too well and they need stronger marketing.

I would like Celcius to take it up a notch with their guns and release fully decked out M4s with Rails etc.

Also a neat feature i would like to see is a tiny speaker installed that will give off a sound when your battery is near dead with the blue light.


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