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Full Auto Problem

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1Full Auto Problem Empty Full Auto Problem Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:26 am



Hey guys,
So I'm having a problem with a CTW MX2 Carbine on my team. It will not fire in full auto, when it is flipped to full auto it fires one shot and then stops like its still in semi. I have swapped out both the front and rear boards and the trigger board. The only thing I haven't tried to replace is the gearbox and the motor. I'm kind of at a loss here.
Any hints about something I may have missed? Could it be a motor problem? I don't see how it could be a gearbox issue but I don't know.


2Full Auto Problem Empty Re: Full Auto Problem Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:33 pm



Sounds like a motor problem. Check the brush and make sure its still good. If thats looks okay. It might be the motor. Been there before. Get a new motor or get it repair.

3Full Auto Problem Empty Re: Full Auto Problem Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:31 pm



Okay cool, next time I get the gun from him I'll take a look. Thanks.

4Full Auto Problem Empty Re: Full Auto Problem Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:40 am



check these 2 things on the firing mode board:

• the wires and soldered connectiosn are VERY delicate here. check to make sure all the wires coming out of the board are in fact connected

• there are 2 microswitched that are depressed to determine the firing mode. These are actuated by the toothed slider bar which is moved by the selector switch. I think the following is how the mode is selected.
~ no switches pushed down = safe
~ forward switch pushed down = semi
~ both switches down = full auto

If the bar is worn or mis-aligned it might not be activating the second switch OR the switch itself is not working.

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