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Burst problem

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1Burst problem Empty Burst problem Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:20 am



Hi guys,

i got a used ctw m4 mx2 these days and it has a little problem.
The gun shoots in semi mode and in full auto mode only burst.
what part could be damaged?

coult it be the EL002?

2Burst problem Empty Re: Burst problem Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:47 pm



It could be that you have the single shot and 3 round ECU unit fitted (GBX-001).

That would be the most likely cause, or if it is sporadic then it will be the same part anyway as the EL-002 is not the control unit, it just tells the gear box when to go and when to stop.

3Burst problem Empty Re: Burst problem Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:22 pm



I changed the El002 but now if i shoot, the gears dont go into the right position back. What could be wrong?

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