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CTW Problem

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1CTW Problem Empty CTW Problem Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:37 pm



I got problems with my CTW.
1. Plug battery in, Blue lights on. Pull triggers, nothing happen. (Motor don't move)
So i read most of the threat before and try it to my guns and i still can't find out what went wrong.
I stripped the guns down with motor, Mosfet exposed and try to turn the sun gears to check the gears locked or not. Sun gears move, pull trigger, motor didn't move. (Blue light still on, so it's not the fuse)
So, i thought it is wiring problem, I tested the motor connector with my multimeter. Here is the result:
With battery plug in, the motor connector didn't have any power.
Unsolder the wired connect to motor, using the multimeter to test, it has power at the end of the wired.
Solder the wired back to motor, using multimeter to test, no power come to motor even when i pull the trigger.
I believe the motor got problem. What you guys think?
Thanks for your help.

2CTW Problem Empty Re: CTW Problem Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:18 am



Hi there, this forum is incredibly inactive these days, with most ctw owners now frequenting the TW owners forum.


There are also STTS approved CTW technicians from the UK on hand to answer any questions you may have.


3CTW Problem Empty Re: CTW Problem Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:27 pm



I try to register with that website, but i can't. It shows message error. Please let me know how i can register.

4CTW Problem Empty Re: CTW Problem Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:07 pm



Apologies, I have corrected the error, please try and register now.


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