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CTW Problem

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1CTW Problem Empty CTW Problem Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:42 pm



I noticed my battery was dying on my CTW..I plug a new battery in and nothing no blue light so I throw a new fuse in it and still again nothing any possibility to what could be the problem? ECU maybe not sure.

2CTW Problem Empty Re: CTW Problem Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:00 pm



i think it is the power unit that is at fault. i had this problem before and i replaced every single electronic part with celcius oem and it STILL did not function well. i wasted over $200 including shipping. Here is my suggestion, buy a systema ptw 490a motor and etiny ecu and power unit and the gun was working PERFECTLY. keep the gearbox it is pretty decent

3CTW Problem Empty Re: CTW Problem Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:36 am



If your getting no blue light then its probably your MOSFET board in the stock thats at fault OR have you managed to 'knick' the 4 control wires that run from the MOSFET to the ECU?

Thats probably the cause - the motor does not influence the blue light at all....


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