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Fuse problem

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1Fuse problem Empty Fuse problem Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:18 am




im new to this forum, and have had my CTW MX2 CV for almost a year now.
But after the winterbreak i put in the batteri and the fuse was blown.
so i raplaced it. But when i put in the batteri, fuse blown again!
after 5 fuse blows i took the gun apart, seeing that the wire from motor to the ECU had some scratches. i tried to fix the cables but same problem again.

Gonna buy a new motor and ECU!

But has anyone heard of this problem before?

Mailed both AsiaRsoft and Celsius, but not got any respons from them!

Cheers// Tommy "Dooh"

Last edited by Dooh on Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : CTW model)

2Fuse problem Empty Re: Fuse problem Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:08 am



Hi and welcome to the forum!

Dooh wrote:Gonna buy a new motor and ECU!

Most likely, your problem is an electric one, you have a shortage somewhere. Check the power wires form the motor to the mosfet board, if possible, change them. If I'm right, the new ECU and motor won't help you a bit.

If you don't know how, look for an skilled electrician/electronic guy to check the problems and replace the power wires.

If you replace them and still have this problem, post here.

3Fuse problem Empty Re: Fuse problem Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:53 pm



Wired now changed, and still same problem! also new motor installed! becouse the old one did break :/

4Fuse problem Empty Re: Fuse problem Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:09 pm



check the 4 core control cable for cuts mate

a freind had the same problem, turned out hed trapped and sheared the control cable when he closed down the upper receiver.
he replaced a £3 cable and worked fine.

my 2C.


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