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Celcius MX-3 K2 KIT Problem

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1Celcius MX-3 K2 KIT Problem Empty Celcius MX-3 K2 KIT Problem Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:56 am




Just bought a kit from celcius ctw in USA, but I live in Brazil .

Did the assembly obeying all the precautions and directions of the manual , moreover watch many videos on the internet about the assembly . I used the manual for systema ptw which has much more information than the celcius .

I used surgical gloves to mount electronics .

In the first test ever had problem. The gun in semi auto after the first shot is rotated continuously and only when I go back to the safe . This does not occur in full .

But it is happening also independent of semi or full after the first shot and the gearbox works just the blue light goes out and has no answer . I turn the dial on the safe and go to semi or full light, and it works 1 time and .

I also note that the teeth of the gears always for everyone out of the box , either in semi or full .

I contacted the merchant and even preferred to say it was my fault . Do not even give me any support so far , it may be that the system came defective.

Does anyone know what could it be? What should I do? In my country there are no technicians who can analyze the weapon. I spent a good amount of money to bring to Brazil , the taxes here are huge . And I can not use since it does not work .

I could simply replace all electronics but this is too expensive, and just want to do if really needed. Who knows may be just one part of the electronics system 3. Or something starting position of the gear.

I need help to celcius so far not replied to my email. I am in great need of this help, if not let it stop.

If necessary I will change the electronic system by etiny or FCC marks, still do not know if the FCC is compatible.

I do not know if the problem switch, the Ecu, or mostef, or all together.

I appreciate any kind of help.

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